Wellness Blog

Joy Quick’s Inspiring OHI Guest Journey!

Joy Quick was faced with an ongoing health opportunity. She has had five different diagnoses in the past year but prefers to name her condition an imbalance in her body. She went through five rounds of chemo but found her belly swelling with fluid again. The oncologist suggested more chemo, but Joy said no. “I became more determined than ever to heal myself with natural alternative methods, and went to an acupuncturist,” said Joy. “When I told him what was happening in my body, he immediately suggested a trip to OHI. I wasn’t sure how a holistic health and wellness center would be able to address my health issues, but I was clearly my next step. My husband was 100% supportive, so I immediately made my reservation.”

The Connection Between Mindful Eating and Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, we live in a culture that heavily focuses on the number shown on a...

OHI: A Unifying Experience

Greetings OHI community; here's wishing you long and lovely days as we enter the summer season. The...

OHI at Home!

You just returned home from your three-week stay at OHI San Diego or OHI Austin and now you’re...

Enhance Your Health with Sprouting

Sprouting! It's a fascinating process that can unlock the nutritional potential of various seeds,...

Alpha State: A State of Relaxation & 10 Ways to Reach It

Alpha state, also known as alpha brain wave state, is a state of consciousness characterized by a...

Growing Your Own Food through Organic Gardening

Organic gardening is a method of growing plants without using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or...

Giving & Receiving Validation Are Equally Important

What a wonderful topic! Validation is a crucial aspect of our overall well-being, and it's...

Benefits of a Raw Food Diet + Gorilla Burger Recipe

A raw plant-based diet can offer numerous benefits to the body and overall health. The benefits...

10 Tips to Enhance the Synergy Between Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Enhancing the synergy between your mind, body, and spirit is crucial for overall well-being. When...