Optional Wellness Services at Optimum Health Institute
At OHI, we offer third-party services that - although not essential to our holistic healing program - are made available to enhance your cleansing experience. OHI contracts with qualified third-party professionals and makes these health and wellness services available on-site for your convenience.

Massage Services
Relax and enjoy one of several types of body work, such as Swedish massage, Zen Shiatsu massage, deep tissue massage, reflexology, Reiki, a detox body wrap, or a salt glow treatment for total health and wellness.
- OHI Austin Massage Services: (512) 303-4817, Ext. 3218
- OHI San Diego Massage Services: (619) 589-4797
Swedish massage
Swedish massage is one of the most commonly offered massage techniques. It’s sometimes called a classic massage. The technique aims to promote relaxation by releasing muscle tension. Swedish massage is gentler than deep tissue massage and better suited for people interested in relaxation and tension relief. Helps to remove trauma, pain and tension from the body. Good for everything: Circulation and relaxation; Increases red blood cells; Equilibrium restored; Reduces fatigue; and Improves Metabolism.
Deep tissue massage
Deep tissue massage is a massage technique that’s mainly used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as strains and sports injuries. It involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues. Helps to remove trauma, pain and tension from the body. Expect to be asked to breathe deeply when the person treating you is working on especially tense or deep areas of your muscles. It's common to feel a degree of discomfort during the massage itself. You can also expect to experience some stiffness and soreness in the day or so following your deep tissue massage.
Thumb and finger pressure are applied to areas on the feet, which correspond to organs, glands and all body parts. It releases stress, tension, and congestion, which improve the circulation of blood, nerve and lymph to aid the body in its vital functions and the elimination of toxins.
Lymph Drainage
Manual Lymph Drainage therapy utilizes gentle massage strokes and circular pumping movements that remove blockages and promotes proper lymph flow. This is important because it is the primary function of the lymph system to defend the body against disease by cleansing, detoxifying, and nourishing the body's
tissues. -
Reiki Massage
Reiki massage or reiki therapy is a healing technique originating in Japan that promotes simultaneous physical and spiritual healing. Reiki is believed to work through an extremely specific process and connection between the reiki practitioner, the universal life force of energy, and the one receiving reiki treatment. While a reiki treatment is not a physical manipulation of the muscles, as are Swedish massage techniques, for example, reiki therapy does promote a general feeling of well-being and calmness, which can result in relaxed muscles
Energy Session with Evangeline
This session is designed to free up blocked energy that has been restricted by suppressed emotions and behaviors, which manifest themselves physically as muscle tension, pain and illness. The blocked energy is released to re-establish a normal energy balance promoting deep relaxation and an enhanced capacity to experience life. As each session will vary please allow 1hour to 1-½ hours.
Colon Hydrotherapy Services
Colon hydrotherapy – also referred to as colonic irrigation or colonics – is available. A certified colonics therapist using state-of-the-art hydrotherapy equipment and disposable materials will ensure your colonic is given in a healthy and safe manner.
While colonic services are available daily, it is best to schedule appointments in advance, as sessions fill up quickly. Prior to your appointment, you are required to sign a Disclosure and Release Form and pay for your appointment.
Eligibility for Colon Hydrotherapy (in San Diego / Austin )
Optimum Health Enterprises (OHE) is a third-party vendor who provides practice management for licensed medical doctors to supervise colonic services at OHI Austin and OHI San Diego. These local and visiting physicians will meet with you before you receive your colonic to review your medical history, perform a brief exam, and determine your eligibility for colonics, as well as the number of colonic sessions that you are authorized to receive during your stay. The examination fee is $30.
Call to book Colon Hydrotherapy appointments: (800) 588-0809
Chiropractic Services
Discover how your body can heal more quickly when its foundation is aligned properly. You can meet with an experienced chiropractor service partner to discuss ways to improve your general health or treat health issues related to your musculoskeletal or nervous systems.
The chiropractic approach to healing, which is in alignment with OHI's holistic healing program, focuses on the body, mind, and spirit. As such, your chiropractor will begin by asking you questions about your overall health to determine the best form of treatment.
Many chiropractic treatments deal specifically with adjusting the spine – including the nerves and muscles surrounding it. These adjustments can be effective in reducing neck or back pain, restoring motion to limbs, and providing relief from headaches, ulcers, or digestive disorders. Your chiropractor may also recommend changes in your diet, exercise, and lifestyle to improve your overall health. Experience the benefits of chiropractic care on your journey to optimum health.
- OHI Austin Chiropractic Services: (512) 303-4817, Ext. 3219
- OHI San Diego Chiropractic Services: (619) 589-4780
Note: We carefully select our third-party service partners; however, our service partners are independently operated and not employees of the OHI. Therefore, Optimum Health Institute is not responsible or liable for actions taken by these service partners or any injury that may result from the provision of these services.
Since our service partners are independently operated from the OHI holistic healing program, reservations for services are made separately from your program and room reservations.