OHI Missionary Program
The OHI missionary program is a volunteer extension program for those who have graduated from the OHI holistic healing program and desire to continue on a spiritual path to heal themselves and others.

As a missionary, you are able to immerse yourself in the healing process 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We encourage all who have a calling, passion, and commitment to serving others and who want to be in a community focused on healing to apply.
To apply for the missionary program
1. Please first read the eligibility requirements below and be sure you qualify to apply for the missionary program.
2. Download the OHI Missionary Application (pdf)
3. Send your completed missionary application to:
OHI San Diego Missionary Program
6970 Central Avenue
Lemon Grove, CA 91945
OHI Austin Missionary Program
265 Cedar Lane
Cedar Creek, TX 78612

Eligibility and Submission Process
To be eligible, you must have completed three weeks as a regular guest. These weeks need not have been contiguous. However, if you have not been a guest for 6 months or more before entering the OHI missionary program, you are required to attend a week as a guest before starting the missionary program. If you are currently a guest in our program, it is required that you take a 30-day break between completing the program and starting service as a missionary.
The OHI missionary program is a three-month commitment, during which time you must commit your full time and energy. You will be expected to stay on the detoxification diet, be present each day, attend classes, and perform up to 18 hours of service duties and an additional 15 hours of fellowship duties on campus, each week.
If you are interested and eligible to apply to OHI’s Missionary Program, you can request an application from our front desk while on campus or print the PDF from the website. Once completed, send your completed application to our Missionary Coordinator (see address above).
When you submit your application, you are required to provide a good-faith commitment deposit of $208, as well as a $35 fee for a background check and drug test. If you leave for ANY reason before 3 months are completed, the good-faith deposit is forfeited. There are no exceptions.
If you are accepted into the OHI missionary program, you will live at one of our healing centers (OHI Austin or OHI San Diego) for three-months. You must pay $825.00 per month for food, program materials, housing, and utilities. In addition, you will provide a maximum of 33 hours a week of service. Examples of service include:
- Greeting guests and helping with check-in on Sunday or check-out on Saturday
- Providing fellowship and guidance to first week participants
- Providing tours of the campus during our Sunday open-house
- Leading prayer circles
- Assisting facilitators in classes and activities in the OHI holistic healing program
- Assisting in the garden, greenhouse, kitchen, wheatgrass juice room, and front gate monitoring
- Maintaining a serene and safe environment on campus
During your free time, you can focus on your own personal goals, deepen your relationship with God, and continue your path to optimum health.