2 min read

The Purpose & Benefits Of Colon Cleansing

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We all know that our bodies are more than the sum of their parts; it’s also made up of proteins, enzymes, and bacteria. But what you may not have been aware of is how these microorganisms affect your day-to-day life – or even worse: they can cause illness! That’s where colon cleansing can help.

The OHI three-week program teaches what it means to cleanse properly, as well as how foods are digested for us to feel better both inside AND out!

Here are 6 amazing benefits of colon cleansing: 

  1. 1.Immune Support – As much as 70% of the immune system’s optimum function can be driven by how well the colon functions.
  1. 2.More Energy – Colon cleansing clears toxins out of the body. This process can help naturally improve circulation in the bloodstream, which means better oxygen flow and increased energy levels.
  1. 3.Healthier Skin – High levels of body toxins take a toll on your organs, including your skin. Many people report clearer, brighter, healthier-looking skin after colon cleansing treatments.
  1. 4.Weight Loss – As your body strains to fight off toxins, your body’s other natural energy functions slow down. This includes your metabolism. Getting rid of burdensome toxins means allows your body to refocus that energy on boosting your metabolism and helping you burn off excess weight.
  1. 5.Reduced Acid Levels – Regular colon cleansing will help restore the body’s natural alkaline levels and create a healthier balance.
  1. 6.Better Concentration – A study by the Harvard Medical School on the “Gut-Brain connection” found that an unhealthy intestine can send disruptive signals to the brain which can impair focus and hamper the ability to concentrate. Colon cleansing can help to clear up that fogginess and keep you a bit throughout the day.

OHI promotes colon cleansing as one aspect of a healthy, well-balanced life. We invite you to book a retreat at OHI and experience the many benefits of being clean from the inside out!
Experience the energy and clarity of eating and living clean, all in an environment of encouragement, support, and spiritual fellowship. During your stay at OHI, our caring team can help you achieve your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual goals for optimal health. Visit our website at www.optimumhealth.org, and call us at (800) 588-0809 to make your reservation.