3 min read

5 Proven Ways To Reduce Holiday Stress

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If you are like most people, then every year you promise yourself you will get a head start on the holiday season. We start getting those reminders in the month of September when we see holiday sale items next to the back-to-school supplies! And every year, if you are like most people, you will prioritize other things over being prepared for the holidays. Not to worry – this article will provide some tips on how you can reduce your stress during the holiday season so you can get ready for your family gatherings, elaborate feasts, school functions, office parties, gift shopping, cleaning and decorating the house…to name a few.

Here are 5 tips to reducing your stress this holiday season:

  1. Cut yourself some slack. If you are the type who tends to over-exert yourself to make sure everything is perfect, cut yourself some slack. Are you familiar with the old joke about how kids are more excited to play with the box than the toy that came vs. the toy?  It’s true – on so many levels. So the house isn’t spotless. The dishes don’t match. You don’t have a blindingly bright front yard light display. So what?  It’s your love, affection, and good humor that will illuminate the event.
  2. Maintain your healthy habits. As best you can – during the holiday season – keep-up the habits that make you feel good – a short workout, a brisk morning walk, a light dinner, and playtime with the kids or dogs.
  3. Plan your spending. It’s easy to go overboard with gift-giving then find yourself worried about how much you spent! Make a holiday budget and stick to it. Suggest “no gift” gatherings or suggest secret a gift-exchange like, Secret Santa, where each person only buys for one person – ensuring everyone gets a gift, and no one has to bear the burden of all gifts for everyone.
  4. Keep perspective on the “Happy” in Holidays. You’ve heard that phrase, “turn that frown upside down”? Don’t worry, we are not suggesting that you deny any of your feelings – as wonderful or difficult as they may be. We are, however, suggesting you keep a gratitude journal and each evening before bedtime, note the top three things you are grateful for. It can be a person, a pet, a gesture, something about nature, something that was said, a food…it can be ANYthing. Gratitude has been shown to improve mental health. It’s simple and free.
  5. Find your tribe. Regular connection with other humans is crucial to our well-being. Whether it’s friends, family, your church group, a support group – connecting with others can boost our immune system, decrease anxiety, decrease depression, regulate our emotions, and leads to higher self-esteem. We are social creatures – no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

This holiday season, try putting these suggestions to work. And please know that the OHI community is here for you. If you’re considering a stay with us, give us a call and we’ll talk it through with you. 

Our entire OHI for Life Body-Mind-Spirit Program - including our classes, diet, and community fellowship - supports all dimensions of wellness. Remember, wellness is a life-long pursuit. Strive for balance, control what you can (diet, exercise, stress), and surround yourself with supportive care for the rest of it. May the changes you make to your wellness habits change your life for the better!

Book your next visit to OHI today. Call OHI at (800) 588-0809 to learn more about our holistic approach to health and wellness.