Wellness Blog | Cutting-Edge Health Tips, Tricks, & More

Optimum Health Institute Blog - Healthy Hints for Happy Trails

Written by OHI | Jan 9, 2013 8:00:00 AM

One of the very cool things about the OHI program is, once you’ve made a commitment to pursue a healthier lifestyle, the opportunities to help you succeed are everywhere – even on the road.

Here is a list of tips to support you on your travels:

1. Your dehydrator is your travel buddy.  In the days before you leave, dehydrate a selection of fresh, healthy treats you can use as energy-rich snacks or tasty, satisfying meals on your trip.  Crackers, nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, fruits and even OHI style “pizzas” all travel well, and can be tucked into your carry-on luggage for ease of access.

2. Resist the temptation to grab something at a fast food place “just this once.”  Sure it might seem easier at the time – but it took dedication and effort to detoxify your body.  The physical, mental and emotional hit you’d take for backsliding just isn’t worth it in the long run, particularly when you’re on the go.

3. Organic apples, pears, carrots and celery all travel well.  Mix it up with jimica or rutabaga slices.  Store sliced fruits and vegetables in insulated lunch bags for optimum freshness, and consume the day you prepare them.

4. Do some Internet surfing to learn about raw vegan-friendly restaurants, whole food stores and farmer’s markets along your route, and at your destination. All three of the sites listed below can direct you to farmers’ markets, health food stores and restaurants serving up vegetarian fare:

5. Google “juice bars” in your city of destination to see which ones carry wheatgrass juice.  As a “better than” option, dehydrated wheatgrass juice power travels well, and you can reconstitute it with pure water to get a healthy boost during your trip.

6. Set aside time for a daily “stretch and stroll.”  Even in a hotel room you can do some body-strengthening and stress-soothing stretching every morning and evening.  Take comfortable shoes, too, so you can take a brisk stroll daily in the morning sun not only to reset your body’s clock, but to get your brain humming and energized.

7. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.  Sure, you have a tight schedule and a lot of demands, whether it’s a pleasure or business trip.  But you’re not going to be much good for anything if you’re sleep-deprived.

8. Stay hydrated.  Make sure you’re consuming at least eight glasses of pure water daily.  Airline travel is particularly notorious for dehydrating passengers.  Offset any potential negative side effects by drinking an extra glass or two of water on flight days.

9. Meditate! Even a few minutes of conscious breathing and mindful meditation will put your body, mind and spirit into a relaxed alpha state, where you’re more likely to fight off stress, fatigue and illness.

10. Practice the disciplines.  Take a few moments before bed to journal, meditate and pray.  Create fellowship with colleagues, friends or relatives. 

Particularly when you travel, you start to realize that components of the OHI healthy lifestyle program aren’t just some things you do – they’re now actually an important part of who you are.  Doing these things in a new setting, and with old or new friends, can bring a new sense of wholeness to your life.

When your body, mind, and spirit are aligned, you can achieve good health. If you are looking for a holistic healing program, in San Diego or Austin, visit Optimum Health Institute . We can help you achieve your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual goals for optimal health. To make your reservation, call us at (800) 993-4325 to learn more.