Wellness Blog | Cutting-Edge Health Tips, Tricks, & More

Optimum Health Institute Blog - Jan Hemming Finds Transformation through OHI

Written by OHI | Oct 21, 2021 7:00:00 AM

Born in Los Angeles and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Jan Hemming had a vibrant career in journalism, political consulting, and public relations.  She launched her own boutique PR firm, and after 15 successful years she retired and turned to non-profit and community work.  An avid gardener in her spare time, Jan was leading a very full life…and then came her “health opportunities.”

“In 2017, I was diagnosed with breast cancer,” said Jan.  “I underwent intensive hypo-fractionated radiation and surgery.  I also dealt with pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and kidney stones.  In 2019, I was in a very serious car accident that broke my sternum and fractured my ribs.  And in 2020, I had three parathyroids removed in an attempt to regulate my calcium.  So when I say my body has been through the wringer over the course of the last 4 years, I’m not kidding.”

Jan had tried many conventional diet and lifestyle approaches to improve her health, but all of them failed.  Her neighbor was a missionary at OHI, and explained how the program had made such a huge difference in her own health.  “Being retired on a fixed income, I was uncertain if I could cobble together the resources to attend OHI,” said Jan.  “When my scholarship application was approved, it was an answer to my prayers.  I stayed at OHI San Diego for two weeks, and in that time my body and my health completely changed for the better.  My blood pressure lowered, and my heart rate improved.  I lost 11 pounds, and my blood sugar went from the 130s to the 80’s.  It was remarkable!  Now two months after leaving OHI and making a determined effort to stick with the program, my weight has continued to drop, and my vitals are even better.  I’ve always felt my body was a temple, and now OHI has taught me the right way to eat to match that belief.  I am so grateful to those who made this scholarship possible.  I firmly believe that OHI is transformational.  I now regard my life as the time before OHI and after OHI.”

Please consider contributing to the OHI Scholarship Fund to help those in need experience the benefits of the OHI program. Over the course of our 45 years, OHI has provided scholarships to individuals who could not afford to otherwise attend. In most years, we have been able to fulfill all requests for assistance through the generosity of our community. OHI invites you to join with us in celebrating our healing mission with a tax-deductible gift. Your contribution will help to make our community stronger, healthier, and more vibrant.

Provide the Gift of Healing today by supporting the OHI Scholarship Fund with a tax-deductible:
• One-Time Donation, or
• Sustainable Monthly Contribution

Visit our website at www.optimumhealth.org, or call us at (800) 588-0809 to make your contribution.

Thank you for your generosity!

Optimum Health Institute is a non-profit, religious organization. Your donation is tax deductible.