Wellness Blog | Cutting-Edge Health Tips, Tricks, & More

Optimum Health Institute Blog - Restoring the Body’s Natural Balance

Written by OHI | Oct 1, 2020 7:00:00 AM

“Detoxify” is a common word among holistic healing advocates, but not everyone is clear about its meaning. The process of detoxification simply refers to cleansing and nourishing the body to promote healing and longevity. The body has the marvelous ability to heal itself—as long as it is treated right. With a lifestyle that includes eating nutritious, natural foods; drinking plenty of water; exercise; and enough rest, the body has the tools it needs to restore itself to a natural balance.

Many people turn to this lifestyle because they’ve grown tired of the effects of poor health and they want to feel better. This was the case with Regina, who was 40 years old but felt twice that age. Her joints ached constantly, her brain was foggy, and she was always tired.

Finally, she decided she’d had enough; it was time for a major change. And that was the beginning of her pursuit of a healthier, happier life.

Regina started by focusing on her eating, because she knew her diet needed a serious overhaul. She completely eliminated fast food, and substituted fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other nutritious foods.

It was tough at first, as breaking bad habits often is. But after just four days she was breathing more easily, and by day seven she felt no pain for the first time in years. She was thinking clearly again, and had more energy than she’d had in a very long time. This huge transformation in Regina’s health was the eye-opener she needed. From that point on, she was totally committed to a healthier way of life.

If you identify with Regina’s experience, you are not alone—and you can change your life too. Start with your diet; a food plan that consists of raw, organic vegan meals can detoxify your body and help you embrace behaviors that will positively affect every area of your health, happiness, and well-being.

Foods that are rich in fiber not only detoxify and nourish you; they also keep your digestive system running smoothly. This can help prevent chronic constipation, which has been associated with the development of depression. When the body fails to properly eliminate waste products, nutrients that are essential for brain function can’t be digested and absorbed. Toxins from the accumulated waste can filter back into the system and cause irritability, anxiety, and even insomnia.

Another important aspect of detoxifying the body is proper combinations of foods, since eating two foods together that differ in digestion times can have a toxic effect. A dense protein like avocado, for instance, can take from two to three hours to digest, whereas digestion of a melon only takes about 30 minutes. The protein will keep the fruit in the stomach longer, causing it to ferment. Learning about proper food combinations can go a long way toward detoxifying the body.

At Optimum Health Institute, we can teach you all about detoxifying your body, as well as how to adopt healthier habits that can change your life. Experience the energy and clarity of eating and living clean, all in an environment of encouragement, support and spiritual fellowship.

During your visit, our caring team can help you achieve your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual goals for optimal health. Visit our website at www.optimumhealth.org, and call us at (800) 588-0809 to make your reservation.