Wellness Blog | Cutting-Edge Health Tips, Tricks, & More

Optimum Health Institute Blog - Unplug for a Peaceful Weekend

Written by OHI | Feb 13, 2013 8:00:00 AM

In today’s electronic world, it is easy for your mind to be overwhelmed by overstimulation from your phone, television, and computer. Most people are constantly running one or all of these devices, and this can lead to decreased happiness in one’s daily life. To reconnect with your spiritual self and avoid the pattern of perpetual electronic connectivity, take a weekend to be completely unplugged with these healthy and enlightening activities.

Get some exercise

A long exercise session will remind you why you should get up off the couch more often, because your body will release endorphins that make you feel great. Exercising outdoors is best if possible, because it will take you even further from the typical screen-bound lifestyle that could be keeping you down. For mood enhancing benefits try taking a long hike or going for a jog through the park.

Volunteer in your community

Helping your community can nurture your soul and help you reconnect with your friends and neighbors. There are all kinds of ways to spend time giving back, including volunteering at local schools or parks, donating blood, or organizing a charity drive within your community.

Pray or meditate at home

Unplugging is not only a great time to get more active, but also a time to reflect and enrich your spirit. You can do this by practicing yoga, meditation, or prayer on a daily basis in your own home where you will probably feel most relaxed. Create a quiet space for these activities either inside or outside so that you truly enjoy them as you feed your spiritual side.

Have a face-to-face conversation

Because so many mediums of communication flood people’s daily lives, you can miss out on the simple pleasure of a real conversation. When you unplug, encourage others to do the same so you can reconnect face-to-face and remind each other that there is more to life than staring at a screen.

The holistic healing program at Optimum Health Institute can help support you in learning how to unplug, by quieting your mind through Alpha techniques. Our program is given in three weeklong sessions that may be taken independently or consecutively. We utilize teachings from 24 ancient disciplines to promote the healing of your body, mind and spirit. Visit OptimumHealth.org or call us at (800) 993-4325 to make a reservation.